If you buy high-quality shoes and treat them properly, they can last
a lifetime

Why Care For Shoes?

Not to answer your question with another question, but do you like wasting money? Probably not.

The best analogy for this is that shoes are like cars. You can buy the top of the line, but if you don’t put decent gas in it, wash it, and get it checked out every 3,000 miles, you’re going to waste your money and run your investment into the ground.

Same thing goes for shoes. Sure, you can spend $1K or more on some of the best shoes in the world, but if you don’t keep them regularly polished, never put shoe trees in them, and avoid visiting a cobbler, you might as well throw that money in a trash fire, because those shoes will not be long for this world.

Furthermore, caring for something you own shows a respect for it, and in turn, respect for yourself and those around you. It is much more pleasant to wear and be seen wearing shoes that are well-polished and in good repair than it is to be wear old, ratty shoes.

You should only own shoes you love, and you care for things you love.

Top 3 Shoe Maintenance Tricks
to Double Your Shoes’ Lifespan

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1. Keep shoe trees in your shoes when they’re not on your feet.

Shoe trees, when made from cedar or alderwood, are an invaluable tool to make your shoes last longer. 

shoe care, shoe cream, shoe wax, saphir, shoe elegance, shoe store in sarasota, men's shoes, women's shoes, shoes for men, shoes for women, dress shoes, casual shoes

2. Polish shoes regularly. 

You can do this yourself or outsource the labor if you choose, but make sure you do it often enough that your shoes don’t start looking tired.
Remember, most shoes are just skin, and like your skin, it has to be maintained regularly.

shoe care, shoe cream, shoe wax, saphir, shoe elegance, shoe store in sarasota, men's shoes, women's shoes, shoes for men, shoes for women, dress shoes, casual shoes

3. Have a good cobbler on speed dial. 

Even with the utmost maintenance, shoes will need professional repairs. Your local cobbler can breathe new life into shoes that you’ve run into the ground, generally for a fraction of the cost of a replacement pair of shoes.

How to clean your dress shoes

Take care of your shoes and they'll take care of you! Natural leather requires some care. It's not complicated to do, but it should be regular. 

See how to pack your shoes!

Here is a quick tip how to pack your valuable shoes for travel.

Shoe Elegance Boutique

(currently closed
until further notice)

(UTC mall in Sarasota, FL,
2nd floor, next to Loft)

Ph. +1 (941) 320-0004